5 Ways to Enhance Your Yoga Practice

5 Ways to Enhance Your Yoga Practice

So you’ve been practicing yoga for a while…maybe years, maybe months. If you’re anything like me, you can’t imagine not doing it every day. Some of us have had some experience with before and after our practice, or during it even but why? You’ll probably notice the same effects as I do: your mind is more at ease, your body is more relaxed and loose…but come on! You’ve already got some of that. Why enhance?

For me (and some other yogis), it’s because we want every little bit of the benefits we possibly can get from our practice. Benefit enhancement or what I sometimes call “being a yoga nerd” is picking up on different ways that will help you get the maximum experience out of yoga. It’s not to say that you’re doing your practice wrong, or that one way is better than any other; it’s just about getting every ounce of goodness out of this ancient practice. So how do we do this?

Make Chanting a Part of Your Yoga Routine

Chanting sounds corny, but swear to God, it’s effective. I know a lot of people who say that chanting is their favorite part of yoga. The words can vary from person to person, but the science behind it is still the same: the sound vibrations created by chanting boosts serotonin levels in your body. Serotonin is known as the “happiness hormone”. So naturally, this means your mood will improve after chanting.

Drink Water Before / After Your Yoga Routine

A lot of yogis tell me that they don’t drink water before or after yoga because it’ll make them have to use the bathroom during practice. Some of them say they don’t drink for hours before because they can’t risk it. That is a rookie mistake. I’ve been drinking water every day and practicing yoga since I was in middle school–do you know how many times I’ve had to pee when doing yoga? Zero. The only time it’s happened is when I didn’t drink any water. In fact, my body craves it before and after practice because yoga naturally dehydrates your muscles. The best thing you can do is drink a glass of water with a pinch of sea salt in it before and after each session. This balances electrolytes in your body and replenishes the ones lost during practice.

Be Mindful When You Eat

One of the most important things you can do before doing yoga is to set your intention. At that moment when you’re about to step onto your mat, it’s a perfect time to remind yourself why you’re on your mat at all. I ask myself, “Why am I here?” only after I’ve answered this question: “What am I eating?”

The best way to enhance your yoga practice is to be mindful when you eat. If you can, try not to eat anything for an hour before doing yoga and for at least two hours after (unless it’s a snack that will easily digest like fruit or veggies). Food affects energy levels in the body and nobody wants to be hungry during yoga.

Try Yoga Nidra (Yogic Sleep)

One of the most overlooked benefits of making yoga a part of your life is that you get better at sleeping. Nidra Yoga, or yogic sleep, will help you get to bed on time and get the most out of your eight hours of beauty rest–because that’s what it is. It takes place during a time in which your mind is completely at ease–the perfect way to end your day.

Integrate CBD Into Yoga

CBD is a popular cannabinoid found in marijuana. It’s been getting a lot of attention lately because it’s been linked to treating anxiety and depression. How does this relate to your yoga practice? I’m glad you asked…

Research has found that CBD can help reduce the anxiety and depression you already feel. This means fewer distractions during your yoga sessions! The best way to use CBD is to take it sublingually (under the tongue). Do this thirty minutes before yoga, or right after if you don’t have time to do yoga at that moment.

Yoga is the practice of uniting the mind, body, and spirit. If you can integrate these five small tricks into your routine, you’ll become much closer to achieving that goal.
